In December 1995 Brooklin Models released a beautiful Pick-up and Horse Trailer set, based on vehicles that were commonly seen in the mid-50's on Kentucky stud farms. The set consists of a Chevrolet Cameo Pick-up (BRK53) and the same horse trailer that was included in the 1994 C.T.C.S. Royal Canada Mounted Police set (BRK62). Done in dark green and aluminium silver, this truck / trailer set displays authentic decals for Bluegrass Farms, located in Shelbyville, Kentucky, even the telephone number is included. The trailer has a more detailed base, a plated hitch, raised vertical bars and lights on loading ramp. Offered as a standard model, these Bluegrass Farms models were available only as a set and deleted in August 1999.



The 16th annual Brooklin special sponsored by the C.T.C.S. was released at their Greatest Collectors Toy Show in October 1994. This C.T.C.S. special is actually a beautiful set, consisting of a 1952 Ford F1 Panel Delivery (BRK42) in royal blue with blackwall tyres on red wheels, and a matching single Horse Trailer in the same color scheme. The master for the trailer was crafted by Ed Hohberger (member of the C.T.C.S.) and cast and finished by the Brooklin factory. The dual-axle horse trailer is cast with a separate roof painted a very light cream, providing a beautiful contrast to the royal blue body. The baseplate is done in black, extends forward to form the trailer's "tongue" and carries the inscription "C.T.C.S. 1 of 500". The rear license plate reads “CTCS ’94 ONTARIO”. Both the Ford panel delivery and the trailer sport bold RCMP decals in red and gold, as well as the multi-color Royal Canadian Mounted Police herald and are authentic models of vehicles used by the R.C.M.P. for their Musical Ride show. Each C.T.C.S. Ford F1 and Horse Trailer Set is accompanied by a cardboard plaque in brown and gold, bearing the C.T.C.S. logo and describing the Musical Ride. The presentation box is beautifully done, in Brooklin blue with silver printing, consisting of the R.C.M.P. herald and the designation "C.T.C.S. 1994". 500 sets were produced.



A charity raffle was held at the 25th Annual Greatest Collectors Toy Show, held in October 1994, for the benefit of children’s charities in Canada. First prize held a special interest to Brooklin collectors, as John and Jenny Hall generously donated a one-of-three 1952 Ford F1 Panel Delivery and Horse Trailer Set, finished in white and black and sporting the livery for the Ontario Provincial Police Mounted Division. Of the other two sets produced, one became part of the C.T.C.S. Brooklin Collection and the other remained in the Brooklin Models corporate archive.



Author: Gianluigi Cappi

You may find more pictures and information on this model plus many other Brooklin stories in the Brooklin Models Collectors Guide.