Brooklin Models History

The Early Days

Just under 50 years ago there was a small revolution in the world of model vehicles. This was the dawn of new era. Many fledgling companies sprang up making models of historic vehicles from white metal, a material long coveted in the world of model militaria. Standards varied widely and with very few exceptions all makers offered their models as kits. As time progressed many makers fell by the wayside until today very few survive.

Brooklin is one of those exceptions, producing handmade models since 1974, few kits but mostly fully built and ready to display. With a focus on American automotive history between the 1930’s and the 1960’s we have modelled amongst others such Milestone cars as the 1930 Ford Model A Coupe, 1934 Chrysler Airflow and the 1948 Tucker, as well as some unusual cars such as the 1936 Stout Scarab and the 1938 Phantom Corsair. In the future, we would love to test models beyond the 1960's.

Brooklin Models Limited is currently the world’s leading manufacturer of 1/43 scale hand-built white metal models.
