The pair of Brooklin specials produced for the Avon Diecast Club in 1988 are very difficult to find due to their limited production run of 75 pieces. This Dodge Van is finished in orange with dark tan interior, brown fenders and orange wheels. The words "Avon Diecast and Model Collectors Society" and their suspension bridge logo are found on the side panels in brown, with the number ‘88 found on the doors. The Dodge Van was accompanied by a Dodge Pick-up in the same colors.

The Dodge Van for Bay State Lobster is finished in white with red interior, red fenders and white wheels. Side panels read "Bay State Lobster Co. Inc. Delivered Fresh Daily", a crab and a lobster are on either side of the rear fender and the company’s telephone number is found on the doors. This model is a re-decaled version of the J. Leake Van, 50 pieces were made. These are considered Code 2, as permission for the alteration was granted by the Brooklin factory.

This first standard Dodge Van has the livery of Burma Shave, a U.S.A. company selling shaving cream. It is finished in grey, with red fenders, red wheels and red interiors. Early models have separately cast running boards painted black (E1). Later models have the running boards incorporated into the four fender unit and are the same red color as the fenders (E2). The most unusual models are the few that were done with black fenders. These were the first 20 produced. Decals on the side panels have the Burma-Shave logo with the words “ No brush no leather” and “5 cents”. Doors have a red decal with “Wake up face the war is over, Burma-Shave “ in white. The blue van is a color trial not used for production.

This Camel Dodge Van is a fine model commissioned by Toys for Collectors. Done in beige, with chocolate brown fenders and roof panels, brown interior and beige wheels, the model sports the Camel Cigarettes name in blue on the side panel and the brown camel and oasis logo on the door panels. The decals on this van are very well done, set in a manner that is well-balanced, colorful and highly suggestive of a commercial vehicle of the era. Only 75 models were produced.

"Coca-Cola" Brooklins include the 1935 Dodge Van in yellow with black fenders, yellow wheels and "Drink Coca-Cola" in red on the side panels and doors in varying size of decals, a few with "Drink Coca-Cola in Bottles" on the doors, a few with no decals on the doors and other few models in black with beige wheels and "Coca-Cola" on the side panels in small letters. These models were re-decaled in U.S.A. without permission of Brooklin Models and are considered Code 3 pieces. One version of the Dodge Van appears to have a factory-produced label that reads "BRK 16 1936 Dodge Van M.T.I. Coca-Cola".
Brasilia Press, located in Elkhart, Indiana, is the largest distributor of Brooklin Models in the United States. Their first two specials were Dodge Vans, one in black with black fenders, cream interior and wheels, with the Sears name in black on yellow background on the side panels and a second with Dr. Pepper livery. The Sears van was initially made with separate running boards (E1), later models have the running boards part of the chassis (E2). The production run was 750 pieces and they may have blue, yellow or green license plate. The E1 type can be found with black radiator.
Author: Gianluigi Cappi
You may find more pictures and information on this model plus many other Brooklin stories in the Brooklin Models Collectors Guide.